An interview with Square Bistro

“I think working closely with local suppliers

is the way forward in our changing world.”

Images via Square Bistro

We caught up with Stevie Higginson from Square Bistro in this short interview:

Tell us about your business and your role within it

A 60-seater bistro situated for the last 16 years in the heart of Lisburn. We are family-owned & run and our very proud to say we support local. I am the head chef and the owner.

What led you to start your business? Is it something you always wanted to do?

Yes – From the moment I started cooking working in the food business was something I always wanted to do!

What are some of your favourite locally grown foods?

Cauliflower, kale, cavalo nero, scallions, broccoli, purple broccoli, beetroot, romanesco.

How can we consume food in a more sustainable way?

Eating local & eating less but better quality meat.

What would you like to see happen in your sector in the next few years?

A focus on quality rather than quantity and a real focus on skills.