An interview with Noble Holywood

Noble is a bustling neighbourhood restaurant in the heart of Holywood featuring a changing, seasonal menu and an evolving, exciting wine list.

We caught up with Noble’s Pearson Morris.

Tell us a bit about what you do!

I’m Head chef in Noble – an intimate restaurant in Holywood.

How did you get into the business of cheffing?

I studied Investment Management at University in Newcastle, stumbled into hospitality in 2008 after graduating and loved it!

What inspires you to cook?

Anything fresh that is locally grown to give me the inspiration for our dishes.

How can we be more sustainable within our lifestyles?

Purchase from local independents that source from the suppliers around us. A small scale of purchaser convenience to local growers with an independent intermediate.

What would you love to see in your sector in the future?

People joining hospitality as a career!

Image Source: Noble